When the world was young …
Nuair a bha an saoghal òg …
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Lorg mi na seann leabhraichean seo nuair a bha mi a' sgioblachadh san lobht. Tha nighean mo pheathar a' tighinn a dh'fhuireach. Tha mi a' dol a dh'innse sgeulachdan dhi a-nochd.
I found these old books when I was tidying in the loft. My niece [my sister's daughter] is coming to stay. I am going to tell her stories tonight.

B' àbhaist dha m' athair a bhith ag innse sgeulachdan dhomh nuair a bha mi beag. An do dh'innis duine sam bith sgeulachdan dhut nuair a bha thu beag?
My father used to tell me stories when I was wee. Did anyone tell you stories when you were wee?

Dh'innis. Bhiodh mo sheanmhair ag aithris seann stòiridhean. 'S e beul-aithris a bh' ann. Bhiodh i a' tòiseachadh le 'Latha a bha seo …' no 'Fada ro linn do sheanar …'
They did (tell). My granny [grandmother] would recite old stories. It was folklore [oral tradition]. She would start with 'One day …' or 'Long before your grandfather's time …'

Chan fhaigh thu nas fheàrr na seanchas. Dè mu dheidhinn: 'O chionn fhada an t-saoghail …?
You won't get better than storytelling. What about 'A long time ago …'?

Bha siud math! A bheil cuimhn' agad air: 'Nuair a bha an saoghal òg …?'
That was good! Do you remember: 'When the world was young …'?

Tha gu dearbh. Bha mi a' smaoineachadh gun robh sin cho annasach nuair a bha mi beag. Ciamar a bha an saoghal òg?
I do indeed. I was thinking that that was so strange when I was wee. How was the world young?

Innsidh mi dhut toiseach na sgeulachd as fheàrr leamsa: 'Uair a bha siud …'. Agus airson crìochnachadh: 'dhealaich mise riutha an sin, ach tha sgeul orra fhathast ann'.
I will tell you the story beginning I like best: 'Once upon a time …'. And for ending: 'I parted with them there, but there is still a trace of them there.'

Bha mi air dìochuimhneachadh mu dheidhinn deireadh na sgeòil! Bha an abairt seo èibhinn: agus 'mur an do dh'innseadh breug dhomhsa, tha iad sin fhathast'.
I had forgotten about the end of the story! This expression was funny: and 'if I haven't been told a lie, they are there still'.

Tha sin a' cur nam chuimhne gnàthas-cainnte: 'mas e breug bhuam e is breug thugam e'.
That reminds me of an idiom: I'm only telling you what I've heard [if it's a lie from me, it's a lie (that was told) to me].

Tha fios ’am. Agus tha sin a' cur nam chuimhne deireadh sgeòil eile: 'agus sin mar a chuala mise i co-dhiù'.
I know. And that reminds me of another story ending: 'and that's how I heard it anyway'.

'S tu fhèin a thuirt e! Sin mar a chuala sinn i co-dhiù! Tha sinn fortanach gu bheil dualchas cho beairtach againn.
You said it! That's how we heard it anyway! We are so lucky that we have such a rich culture.