The Salmon of Knowledge 2

Bradan an Èolais 2

Long, long ago there was a man called Fionn MacCumhail . He was an exceptional man. He was brave and he was strong. He was a hero. He was the chief of a big tribe of heroes called An Fhèinn .

When he was a young boy, he lived with an old druid called Finèagas. Finèagas had spent his life looking for an enchanted salmon. The name of the salmon was Bradan an Eòlais [Am Bradan Fios] the Salmon of Knowledge because the person who tasted it would have complete knowledge of everything under the sun. 'Because I've been searching for this fish all my life, only I can taste it if we catch it,' said Finèagas to Fionn.

One day shortly after this, Finèagas caught the salmon and he called to Fionn, 'I've got him! I've got him! I caught the Salmon of Knowledge!' 'You get the fire going, Fionn, to cook the salmon,' said Finèagas to Fionn. Fionn did as he was asked. When Fionn was cooking the fish on the fire, he saw a blister rising on the salmon and he burst it with his thumb. But he burnt his thumb and he put it in his mouth. Without knowing it, Fionn had tasted the Salmon of Knowledge! 'What on earth did you do?!' said Finèagas to Fionn when he saw what had happened. 'You'll have complete knowledge now of everything in the world.'

From that day forward, Fionn had only to put his thumb in his mouth, and bite on it, and he would know everything under the sun. He was able to tell what would happen before it would happen, or tell where someone was who was lost, or say what someone was doing [was up to], even if that person was miles and miles away from him.