Feuch e: When the world was young …
Feuch e: Nuair a bha an saoghal òg …
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

Lorg mi na seann leabhraichean seo nuair a bha mi a' sgioblachadh san lobht. Tha nighean mo pheathar a' tighinn a dh'fhuireach. Tha mi a' dol a dh'innse sgeulachdan dhi a-nochd.
I found these old books when I was tidying in the loft. My niece [my sister's daughter] is coming to stay. I am going to tell her stories tonight.

B' àbhaist dha m' athair a bhith ag innse sgeulachdan dhomh nuair a bha mi beag. My father used to tell me stories when I was wee.
B' àbhaist do phiuthar mo mhàthar a bhith ag aithris stòiridhean dhuinn. My mother's sister [maternal aunt] used to tell us stories.
Tha sin snog. A bheil i dèidheil air sgeòil? That's nice. Does she like stories?