Bilingual transcription: Storytelling

Bilingual transcription: Seanchas

Watch this clip where Joy gives us some of her useful tips and favourite phrases.


Aig cridhe cha mhòr a h‑uile dualchas tha sgeulachdan. Tha daoine air a bhith ag innse agus ag aithris sgeulachdan bho thoiseach tìm.

Agus seo facal math dhuibh:

seanchas! It's a great word used for storytelling, but it's also used for just having a good old yarn or conversation. And it’s an anecdote... Yet another super‑flexible word that’s definitely worth taking note of! Seanchas.

When I was learning Gaelic, I often wondered how to begin a story and I’m going to share that with you now!

O chionn fhada/an t‑saoghail … Once upon a time … O chionn fhada an t‑saoghail …

And an expression you'll hear perhaps in the middle of your sgeulachd, maybe to set a new scene, is:

Latha a bha seo … One day … Latha a bha seo …

And how do you draw your story to a close? Well, you can use:

Agus sin/mar a chuala mise i. And that's how I heard it. Agus sin mar a chuala mise i.