Smaoinich mu dheidhinn no dèan còmhradh mun sgeulachd siud.
Thug sinn ceist no dhà dhut/dhuibh mar thoiseach‑tòiseachaidh.
An cuala tu riamh mu Bhradan an Eòlais?
Have you ever heard about The Salmon of Knowledge?
Dè seòrsa duine a bh' ann am Fionn MacCumhaill, cò ris a bha e coltach?
What kind of person was Fionn MacCumhaill, what was he like?
Cò bh' ann am Finèagas, dè bha e a' lorg agus carson?
Who was Finèagas, what was he looking for and why?
Ciamar a fhuair Fionn fios iomlan air a h-uile rud air an t-saoghal?
How did Fionn get complete knowledge of everything in the world?
A bheil thu a' smaoineachadh gur e mearachd a bh' ann no an robh Fionn ag iarraidh an fhiosrachaidh a gheibheadh e bhon bhradan?
Do you think that it was a mistake, or was Fionn wanting the knowledge that he would get from the salmon?
Dè na comasan a thug Bradan an Eòlais do dh'Fhionn agus dè dh'fheumadh e dèanamh airson na comasan sin fhaighinn?
What were the abilities that the Salmon of Knowledge gave to Fionn and what would he have to do to get those abilities?
An cuala tu sgeulachdan le gaisgich mhòra annta nuair a bha thu òg?
Dè an sgeulachd a b' fheàrr leat fhèin nuair a bha thu òg?
Cò na gaisgich a bhiodh a' nochdadh anns na sgeulachdan?
Did you hear about the historical heroes like: Hercules, Achilles, Thor, Beowulf, Boudicca, Pocahontas, Robin Hood, and people like that?
Did you hear about literary characters like, Peter Pan, Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, Cinderella, Tintin, Ariel 'The Little Mermaid', Frankenstein's monster?
Or was it modern‑day heroes that you would hear about, such as; Superman, Batman, Catwoman, Luke Skywalker, Wonder Woman?