The meaning and history of the word ‘Gàidhealtachd’ – Dèanta!
Ciall is eachdraidh an fhacail 'Gàidhealtachd' — Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
- Ciall is eachdraidh an fhacail 'Gàidhealtachd' | The meaning and history of the word 'Gàidhealtachd'
- naisgearan: MA/MURA/NAN | conjunctions: MA/MURA/NAN
- naisgearan: FAR/MUS/BHON/GUS | conjunctions: FAR/MUS/BHON/GUS
Why not move on to talk about Ainmean Gàidhealach is sloinneadh (Highland names and surnames)?