The meaning and history of the word ‘Gàidhealtachd’ – Dèanta!

Ciall is eachdraidh an fhacail 'Gàidhealtachd' — Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:
  • Ciall is eachdraidh an fhacail 'Gàidhealtachd' | The meaning and history of the word 'Gàidhealtachd'
You should also be confident about:
  • naisgearan: MA/MURA/NAN | conjunctions: MA/MURA/NAN
  • naisgearan: FAR/MUS/BHON/GUS | conjunctions: FAR/MUS/BHON/GUS
Math dha–rìribh! You have learnt to talk aboutCiall is eachdraidh an fhacail 'Gàidhealtachd' (The meaning and history of the word 'Gàidhealtachd') in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you're doing?

Why not move on to talk about Ainmean Gàidhealach is sloinneadh (Highland names and surnames)?