What would have happened?
Dè bhiodh air tachairt?
Before the Jacobites lost at the Battle of Culloden there were a huge amount of people who spoke Gaelic, if they hadn't lost, what would have happened?
If the Battle of Culloden hadn't happened where it happened, would the Jacobites have won?
Until the Clearances happened there were more people living in the Gàidhealtachd/Highlands. If the Clearances hadn't happened would more people be living in the Highlands today?
When we talk about the time which has gone, and think about/consider dè bhiodh air tachairt nam biodh rudeigin eile air tachair t (what would have happened if something else would have happened), there are two common ways to say (if … would).
We saw before that nam biodh means 'if … would'. But often you will also hear nan robh which is another equivalent form of nam biodh .
✅ | Ma bha … | Ma tha … | Ma bhios … | Nam biodh … | Nan robh … |
If … was … | If … is … | If … will be … | If … would … | |
⛔ | Mura robh … | Mura bheil … | Mura h–eil … | Mura bi … | Mura biodh … |
If … wasn't … | If … isn't … | If … won't … | If … wouldn't … |
There is a programme on BBC Radio nan Gàidheal called Dè nan robh? where Coinneach Mac a' Ghobhainn (Kenneth Smith) talks to history experts about events which could have changed our history if they hadn't happened as they did. In this programme Coinneach is asking Dè nan robh Tighearnas nan Eilean air maireachdainn? (What if the Lordship of the Isles had lasted/endured/survived?)
Listen to this clip on the BBC website. See if you can follow the conversation.
Remember that it really doesn't matter if you don't understand everything at this stage. There is a tar–sgrìobhadh (transcription) below to help you.
COINNEACH: A Chatrìona, dè ur beachd fhèin air na bhiodh air tachairt nan robh Aonghas Òg air maireachdainn beò air an oidhche a bha siud?
CATRÌONA: Dh'fhalbh siostam sòisealta agus poilitigeach agus nuair a tha rud dhan t–seòrsa sin a' tachairt tha e a' fàgail beàrn. Nam biodh Aonghas Òg agus Na Dòmhnallaich air a bhith soirbheachail agus an Tighearnas a chumail ri chèile, cha bhiodh sin air tachairt. Nam biodh Na Dòmhnallaich air a bhith soirbheachail, nam biodh Aonghas Òg air a bhith beò agus nam biodh an Tighearnas air a bhith seasmhach, bhiodh tu air saoghal gu tur eadar–dhealaichte fhaicinn tha mi a' smaoineachadh. Bhiodh ceannsachadh air choreigin no riaghladh air choreigin air a bhith air an Rìoghachd, air an Tighearnas agus bhiodh sin air cumadh a thoirt dha na dòighean sòisealta, siostam poilitigeach agus dìreach mar a bhiodh daoine gan giùlan fhèin.
And here is the English!
COINNEACH: Catrìona, what do you think would have happened if Aonghas Òg [lit Young Angus] had survived [on] that night?
CATRÌONA: The social and political system disappeared and when something like that happens, it leaves a gap.
If Aonghas Òg and the MacDonalds had been successful and kept the Lordship together, that wouldn't have happened.
If the MacDonalds had been successful, if Aonghas Òg had been alive and the Lordship lasted, you would have seen a completely different world, I think.
There would have been a subjugation/discipline of some kind, a governing/ruling of some kind over the Kingdom, over the Lordship and that would have given a shape to/ a framework for the social structures, political system and even how people would have carried themselves.
What do you think?
What if the Lordship of the Isles had lasted?