The Land of the Gaels
Tìr nan Gàidheal
As we saw earlier, even though the name A' Ghàidhealtachd is used today for (the Highlands) the word itself means Tìr nan Gàidheal (The Land of the Gaels) or a place where the people speak Gaelic. There is an interesting and important story which tells us why/how the Highlands were so named.
Why don't you have a go at this task! If you have a Gaelic–speaking/learning friend, you could do this together. It will be fun—siuthad!
Bhon ochdamh linn bha na Lochlannaich a' riaghladh anns na h–Eileanan. Mean air mhean thàinig iad còmhla ris na Gàidheil a bha a' fuireach anns na h–Eileanan, is thog na Lochlannaich a' Ghàidhlig is phòs iad bana–Ghàidheil. 'S e na Gall–Ghàidheil a chanas sinn ris na daoine seo. Thòisich fear Somhairle nan Eilean (1100 gu 1164) a bhith a' gabhail smachd air na h–Eileanan agus stèidhich esan is a theaghlach Rìoghachd nan Eilean, nach robh fo smachd nan Lochlannach no Rìgh na h–Alba. Chaidh Clann Dòmhnaill ainmeachadh às dèidh ogha Shomhairle, Dòmhnall. Ann an 1438, fhuair Alasdair III nan Eilean Iarlachd Rois is an Eilein Sgitheanaich. Bha buaidh cho mòr aig Rìoghachd nan Eilean air cha mhòr an dàrna leth den dùthaich gun do dh'èirich còmhstri is cath eadar na Stiùbhartaich, Rìghrean na h–Alba, agus Rìoghachd nan Eilean. Cha b' urrainn ach aon Rìoghachd a bhith ann an Alba!
And here is the English!
From the eighth century the Vikings ruled the Islands.
Little by little they came together with the Gaels who lived in the Islands, and the Vikings learned Gaelic and intermarried with Highland women.
These people are called the Gall–Gaels [Norse Gaels].
Somerled (Sorley) of the Isles (1100 to 1164) began to take control of the Islands and he and his family established the Kingdom of the Isles, which was not under the control of the Vikings nor the King of Scotland.
Clan Donald was named after Somhairle's grandson, Dòmhnall (Donald).
In 1438, Alexander III of the Isles acquired the Earldom of Ross and the Isle of Skye.
The Kingdom of the Isles had such an influence/control over almost half the country that a great conflict and struggle (battle) arose between the Stewarts, Kings of Scotland and the Kingdom of the Isles.
There could only be one kingdom in Scotland!