Land of the Mountains, the Glens and the Heroes
Tìr nam Beann, 's nan Gleann, 's nan Gaisgeach
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Tha an t–uabhas de dhaoine a' faighinn ìomhaigh den Ghàidhealtachd mar 'Tìr nam Beann, 's nan Gleann, 's nan Gaisgeach'.
An awful lot of people have an image of the Highlands as 'Land of the Mountains, the Glens and the Heroes'.

Tha fios ’am. Ged a tha sinn air a bhith a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn seallaidhean brèagha, làraichean eachdraidheil is blàir, tha an sgeulachd nas doimhne na sin, nach eil?
I know. Even though we have been talking about beautiful views, historic sites and battles, the story is deeper than that, isn't it?

Tha gu dearbh. 'S ann mu dheidhinn nan daoine a tha i.
It is indeed. It's about the people.

'S e brìgh an fhacail Gàidhealtachd àite far a bheilear a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig.
The meaning of the word Gàidhealtachd is the place where Gaelic is spoken.

Agus cò bhios ga bruidhinn ach na Gàidheil!
And who speaks it but the Gaels!

Cànan nan Gàidheal!
The language of the Gaels!

Agus tha Blàr Chùil Lodair cudromach an seo. Mus do chaill na Seumasaich aig Blàr Chùil Lodair bha a' Ghàidhlig agus dòighean Gàidhealach aig cridhe gach nì. Cha robh Beurla aig a' mhòr–chuid.
And the Battle of Culloden is important here. Before the Jacobites lost at the Battle of Culloden, Gaelic and Highland ways were at the heart of every single thing. Most people didn't speak English.

Ach an dèidh sin dh'fheuch an riaghaltas cur às don èideadh Ghàidhealach, na dòighean Gàidhealach agus cultar nan Gàidheal.
But after that, the authorities tried to abolish Highland dress, Highland ways and the culture of the Gaels.

Agus mura robh na fuadaichean ann san naoidheamh linn deug, bhiodh barrachd dhaoine a' bruidhinn na Gàidhlig an–diugh. Bha daoine air an sgapadh fad is farsaing.
And if the Highland Clearances hadn't happened in the nineteenth century, more people would be speaking Gaelic today. People were scattered far and wide.

Tha a' Ghàidhlig air a bhith fo ionnsaigh fad linntean.
Gaelic has been under attack for centuries.

Cò aige a tha fios mar a bhiodh cor na Gàidhlig mur a biodh an Cogadh Mòr ann?
Who knows what the state of Gaelic would have been if there hadn't been the Great War?

Tha fios ’am. Ron Chogadh Mhòr, bha Gàidhlig fada na bu làidire.
I know. Before the Great War, Gaelic was much stronger.

Chaillear ginealach òganach. Agus nuair a thill an fheadhainn a mhair beò, cha do nochd an obair, am fearann no na cothroman a chaidh a ghealltainn dhaibh.
A generation of youngsters was lost. And when those who did survive returned, the work, the land and the opportunities they were promised didn't materialise.

Dh'fhàg an t–uabhas de dhaoine an dùthaich—a' sireadh beatha nas fheàrr.
A great many people emigrated—in search of a better life.