Feuch e: Land of the Mountains, the Glens and the Heroes

Feuch e: Tìr nam Beann, 's nan Gleann, 's nan Gaisgeach

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Tha fios ’am. Ged a tha sinn air a bhith a' bruidhinn mu dheidhinn seallaidhean brèagha, làraichean eachdraidheil is blàir, tha an sgeulachd nas doimhne na sin, nach eil?

I know. Even though we have been talking about beautiful views, historic sites and battles, the story is deeper than that, isn't it?

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Tha gu dearbh. 'S ann mu dheidhinn nan daoine a tha i. It is indeed. It's about the people.
A bheil? 'S e sgeulachd a th’ ann a bhios gnìomhachas na turasachd a' reic do luchd–turais. Is it? It's a story that the tourism industry sells to tourists.
Tha. Tha e fada nas doimhne na sin. Chan e raon–cluiche a tha sa Ghàidhealtachd. Yes. It's much deeper than that. The Highlands aren't a playground.