Complete for 2 points

Teicneòlas is innleachd — Dèanta!

Technology and innovation – Dèanta!

You should now be confident about:

  • A’ bruidhinn air an innleachd as fheàrr, as cudromaiche, as fheumaile, as goireasaiche … | Talking about the invention/device that’s the best, the most important, useful, convenient

You should also be confident about:

  • cuideam le -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA | emphasis with -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA
  • buadhairean coimeasach is feabhasach a-rithist | comparative and superlative adjectives again


You have learnt to talk about Teicneòlas is innleachd (Technology and invention) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini–test to see how well you’re doing?

Let’s do it

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