Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: An t–inneal glic as fheàrr

Take two: The best smart device

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Dè an t–inneal glic as fheàrr a th’ agad, saoil? What’s your best smart device, do you think?
‘S e am fòn–làimhe agam as fheàrr leam, feumaidh mi ràdh. Nam bheachd–sa, ‘s e an t–inneal as fheàrr agus as fheumaile a th’ agam. My mobile phone is my favourite, I have to say. In my opinion, it’s the best and most useful device I have.
Carson a tha sin? Why is that?
Uill, taobh a–staigh còig bliadhn’ deug tha ceithir diofar chamarathan air a bhith agam: film, didseatach, bhidio agus didseatach le bhidio! Well, within 15 years I’ve had four different cameras: film, digital, video and digital with video!
Abair e! Agus …? You don’t say! And …?
Agus a–nis cha bhi mi ag ùisneachadh ach aon chamara a–mhàin, an camara air a’ fòn–làimhe agam! And now I only use one camera alone, the camera on my mobile phone!
Nam bheachd–sa tha sin fada nas practaigiche agus nas fheumaile na nì sam bith eile! In my opinion that’s much more practical and more useful than anything else!
Nì e sganadh dhomh gu faidhle air a’ choimpiutair agam cuideachd. Tha sin fichead uair nas goireasaiche na bhith a’ biathadh dhuilleagan–phàipeir a–steach gu inneal! It will scan to a file on my computer as well. That’s twenty times more convenient than feeding pages into a machine!
Tha mi dhen aon bheachd. Ann an dòigh, tha sin nas cumhachdaiche na inneal mòr sam bith. I agree [am of the same opinion]. In a way, that’s more powerful than any big machine.
‘S e as cumhachdaiche agus nam bheachd–sa as riatanaiche de na h–innealan a th’ agam. Dè an t–inneal no goireas teicneòlais ùr as cudromaiche dhutsa? It’s the most powerful and in my opinion the most essential of the devices I have. What’s your most important gadget/device?
Nam bheachd–sa, ‘s e am fòn–làimhe fhèin. In my opinion, it’s the mobile phone itself.
Agus nad bheachd–sa, carson a tha am fòn–làimhe fhèin cho cudromach dhut? And in your opinion, why is the phone itself so important to you?
Smaoinich! ‘S e uaireadair (gun a bhith glic! ), leabhar–latha, siostam puist, rèidio, telebhisean agus inneal–ciùil a th’ ann—uile taobh a–staigh inneal beag a thig còmhla rium nam phòcaid! Think! It’s a clock (without being smart!), a diary, a postal system, a radio, a television and a music player—all inside a little device which comes with me in my pocket!
Nise, dè na h–apps as fheumaile agad? Now, what are your most useful apps?