Complete for 2 points



We learned the verb feum (must, need to) in A2 Cuspair 9. We used this in sentences like Feumaidh mi falbh (I need to go). But there are other ways to talk about feum (need).

Tha feum ort!

To say that we need something we commonly use the  noun feum with the prepositions aig and air in phrases like Tha feum agam air fòn ùr (I need a new phone). This phrase works better than Feumaidh mi to say we need a thing—a noun. Tha feum agam air fòn ùr sounds much more natural than Feumaidh mi fòn ùr. Feumaidh mi typically works better with verbs: Feumaidh mi bruidhinn ris (I need to speak to him).

Feumaidh mi falbh!

I’ll have/I have to go.

Tha feum agam air peann.

I need a pen.

Am feum thu coimhead air seo?

Do you have to look at this?

A bheil feum aige air coimpiutair ùr?

Does he need a new computer?

Chan fheum mi bruidhinn riutha.

I don’t have to speak to them.

Cha robh feum aca air airgead.

They didn’t need money.

We can also use feum to mean use. The phrase Tha feum ort means ‘You are useful’ or ‘You have use’. We can also use the verb cuir with feum to mean use:

A bheil thu a’ cur feum air teicneòlas?

Do you use/make use of technology?

Cò chuireas feum air inneal–facs an–diugh?

Who uses/has a use for a fax machine nowadays today.

An do chuir thu feum air a’ chlò–bhualadair sin a–riamh?

Did you ever use/Have you ever used that printer?

Cha do chuir ach cuiridh mi feum air fhathast!

I haven’t but I will use it yet (at some point).