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Slàinte is Sunnd

Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Tha togalach brèagha ùr ann

Take two: There's a lovely new building

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.  

Tha na goireasan aig an ionad–slàinte air leth. Tha togalach brèagha ùr ann. Chan eil e ro mhòr ach abair gu bheil e math! The facilities at the health centre are exceptional. There’s a lovely new building. It’s not too big but it’s really good!
Seadh. Chuala mi gu bheil am Bòrd Slàinte air tuilleadh airgid fhaighinn bhon Riaghaltas agus bhon ùghdarras ionadail. Uh–huh. I heard that the Health Board received more money from the Government and from the local authority.
Tha sin a’ dèanamh ciall. Tha piseach air tighinn air ùineachan feitheimh cuideachd. That makes sense. The waiting times have improved as well.
Airson ùine bha mi draghail gun robh cùisean a’ fàs na bu mhiosa. For a while I was concerned that things were getting worse.
Ach tha e coltach gu bheil cùisean a’ sìor fhàs nas fheàrr. But it looks as though things are continuing to improve.
Saoil a bheil na rudan seo a’ dol mun cuairt, uair is uair? I wonder if these things go in cycles/go round, over and over?
Dè tha thu a’ ciallachadh? What do you mean?
Bidh cùisean a’ dol am feabhas, an uair sin bidh iad a’ dol am miosad. Agus an uair sin bidh iad a’ fàs nas fheàrr agus an uair sin a’ dol bhuaithe. Things improve, then they get worse. And then they get better and then they decline.
Fhad ‘s nach eil iad a’ dol bhuaithe gu tur agus gu bheil deagh shlàinte againn uile bidh mi toilichte! As long as they don’t decline entirely and we all have good health I’ll be happy!
Sin e! Guma fada beò sinn uile! That’s it! Long live us all!
Agus slàinte mhath do Sheirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte againn! And good health to our National Health Service!