If you live in the Gàidhealtachd, you’ll often see signs connected to health services. If you don’t live in the Gàidhealtachd, you’ll perhaps recognise these words and phrases as they very often appear in the media.
Faclan feumail
Seirbheis na Slàinte/ Seirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte (SNS)
the Health Service (NHS) National Health Service (NHS)
ùghdarras ionadail
local authority
bòrd slàinte
health board
ùine feitheimh
waiting time
resources, facilities
health worker
health centre
Slàinte mhòr!
If we want to wish someone good health, we can use one (or more!) of the following phrases.
Do shlàinte!
Your health!
Slàinte mhath dhut!
Good health to you!
Is slàinte mhòr dhutsa!
And great health to you!
Ur slàinte!
Your health! (polite/plural)
Guma fada beò thu!
May you live long!
Do dheagh shlàinte!
Your good health!
Slàinte mhòr!
Great health!
Ur deagh shlàinte!
Your good health!
Gabh deoch–slàinte!
Give a toast!