Sleep would be good

Bhiodh cadal math

When making plans, it's useful to know how to say that something would be good. We can use the phrase bhiodhmath to talk about lots of things we do in our own time, including food, sport, parties, going out, and so on: 

Bhiodh pàrtaidh fìor mhath. Bha sinn ag obair cho cruaidh. 
A party would be really good. We've been working so hard. 
Bhiodh cadal math. Bha sinn ag obair cho cruaidh. 
Sleep would be good. We've been working so hard. 

To make this type of sentence negative, we use cha bhiodh . And to use our previous example: 

Cha bhiodh pàrtaidh math. Bha sinn ag obair cho cruaidh. 
A party would not be good. We've been working so hard. 
Cha bhiodh cadal math.  
Sleep would not be good.  

And to say that something would not be suitable, we have a couple of choices: 

Cha bhiodh sin freagarrach.  
That wouldn't be suitable. 
Bhiodh sin mì-fhreagarrach. 
That would be unsuitable. 

Of course, you can also say that something is/would be suitable: 

Bhiodh sin freagarrach. 
That would be suitable.