Bilingual transcription - In the park: Your own time

Bilingual transcription - Anns a' Phàirc: an t-àm agad fhèin


Sin thu a Mhìcheil! Seall an uair!

(There you are Mìcheal!  Look at the time!)


Tha fios agam a Sheonaidh, tha mi cho duilich. Bha mi aig an stèisean còmhla ri Emma.

(I know Seonaidh, I'm so sorry. I was at the station with Emma.)


Càit a bheil Emma a' dol?

(Where's Emma going?)


Tha i a' dol dhan Ghearmailt. Chan eil a màthair gu math, tha i tinn.

(She's going to Germany. Her mother's not well, she's ill.)


Oh tha mi duilich. Ach bidh i air ais ann an Alba a dh'aithghearr, tha mi an dòchas. A-nise, tha thu ag iarraidh leasan?

(Oh I'm sorry. But she'll be back in Scotland soon, I hope. Now, you want a lesson?)


Tha mi ag iarraidh leasan còcaireachd mas e ur toil e.

(I want a cookery lesson please!)


Taghta. Nì mise sin. Cuin a bhiodh math dhut?

(Grand. I'll do that. When would be good for you?)


Uill, am biodh sibh saor aig an deireadh-seachdain?

(Well, would you be free at the weekend?)


Bhiodh Disathairne math dhomh. Cha bhiodh Didòmhnaich math idir. Cha bhithinn        saor Didòmhnaich.

(Saturday would be good for me. Sunday wouldn't be good at all. I wouldn't be available on Sunday.)


Bhiodh Disathairne math dhòmhsa.

(Saturday would be good for me.)


Dè an uair a b' fheàrr?

(What time would be best?)


Cuin Disathairne a bhiodh math dhuibhse?

(When on Saturday would be good for you?)


Hmm Disathairne. Bidh mi a' dol dhan bhùth anns a' mhadainn agus a' gabhail lòn le Elsie. Bhiodh trì uairean math dhomh. Am biodh sin freagarrach?

(Hmm Saturday. I go to the shop in the morning and have lunch with Elsie. Three o' clock would be good for me. Would that be suitable?)


Bhiodh sin gu math freagarrach.

(That would be very suitable.)


Càit an dèan sinn an leasan?

(Where will we do the lesson?)


Am biodh sibh deònach tighinn chun am flat agam?

(Would you be happy to come to my flat?)


Bhiodh gu dearbha.

(I certainly would.)


Am biodh e ceart gu leòr tagsaidh òrdanachadh dhuibh?

(Would it be okay to order a taxi for you?)


Cha bhiodh. Tha mi a' dol a choiseachd. Tha am flat agad faisg air an taigh agam.

(No it wouldn't. I'm going to walk. Your flat is close to my house.)


Glè mhath.

(Very good.)


A-nise, dè seòrsa biadh a bhiodh freagarrach airson an leasain seo?

(Now, what kind of food would be suitable for this lesson?)


Rud sam bith. Bhiodh biadh blasta sam bith freagarrach.

(Anything. Any type of tasty food would be suitable!)


Dè mu dheidhinn iasg geal agus glasraich? Am biodh sin freagarrach airson a' chiad leasan!

(What about white fish and vegetables. Would that be suitable for the first lesson!)


Bhiodh sin sgoinneil.

(That would be brilliant.)