Complete for 2 points

'S e sin an nighean a rinn am postair

That's the girl who made the poster!

a | nach 

We use a in the middle of a sentence, and before a verb, to mean who, which, that. It’s also known as the relative particle. When we use it join to two independent clauses with a positive verb, we use the independent form of the verb. 

To join a negative clause in this way we use nach (who, which, that not). As with the question càit(e), nach uses the dependent form of verbs. 

‘S e sin an nighean.  Rinn i am postair.  ‘S e sin an nighean a rinn am postair. 
That’s the girl.  She made the poster.  That’s the girl who made the poster. 
Seo an duine. Cha d’ fhuair e duais. Seo an duine nach d’ fhuair duais. 
This is the man. He didn’t get a prize. This is the man who didn’t get a prize 

Play with the sentences until you are happy with a and nach

‘S e seo an nighean

This is the girl who


thuirt sin said that a rug air caught it chuala sin heard that rinn sin did/made that chunnaic mi saw me / I saw fhuair sin got that chaidh ann went there ràinig an taigh reached the house thug sin dhomh gave me that thàinig dhachaigh came home

‘S e seo an duine

This is the man who
nach tuirt sin didn’t say that nach do rug air didn’t catch it nach cuala sin didn’t hear that nach do rinn sin didn’t do/make that nach fhaca mi didn’t see me nach d’ fhuair sin didn’t get that nach deach ann didn’t go there nach do ràinig an taigh did not reach the house nach tug sin dhomh didn’t give me that nach tàinig dhachaigh didn’t come home