An dàrna turas: Would you be free tomorrow night?
An dàrna turas: Am biodh tu saor an-ath-oidhch'?
Let's have a look at this conversation again.
Fhionnlaigh, am biodh tu saor an-ath-oidhch'?
Finlay, would you be free tomorrow night?
Saoil am bithinn? Fuirich mionaid agus bheir mi sùil. Ò, cha bhiodh. Bhithinn saor Disathairne ge-tà. Carson?
I wonder if I would? Wait a minute and I'll have a look. Oh, I wouldn't (be). I would be free on Saturday, though. Why?
Tha mi airson a dhol a-mach! Dha na bùithtean, gu cèilidh, dhan taigh-dhealbh. Tha mi airson rudeigin a dhèanamh. Tha sinn air a bhith glacte san taigh seo fad seachdainean a-nis!
I want to go out! To the shops, to a ceilidh, to the cinema. I want to do something. We've been stuck in this house for weeks now.
Aidh, tha fhios agam.
Aye, I know.
Iain, am biodh tusa saor Disathairne?
John, would you be free on Saturday?
Bhiodh. Bhithinn saor Disathairne.
I would (be). I would be free on Saturday.
Nach biodh cèilidh math?
Wouldn't a ceilidh be good?
Cha bhiodh! Cha bhithinn toilichte aig cèilidh sam bith. Chan eil mi math air dannsadh.
It wouldn't! I wouldn't be happy at any ceilidh. I'm no good at dancing.
Saoil am biomaid trang feasgar an-diugh ma-thà? Iain? Fhionnlaigh?
Do you think we would be busy this this afternoon then? John? Finlay?
Bhiomaid, uill bhithinn-sa trang.
We would (be busy), well, I would (be busy).
Cha bhiomaid, uill, cha bhithinn.
We wouldn't (be busy), well, I wouldn't (be busy).
Sgoinneil! Tha am film a' tòiseachadh aig cairteal an dèidh trì. Thugainn, Fhionnlaigh!
The film starts at quarter past three. Come on Finlay!