We'll have to go or we'll be late!
Feumaidh sinn falbh no bidh sinn anmoch!
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Mach à seo, a chàirdean! Feumaidh sinn falbh no bidh sinn anmoch!
Get out of here, pals! We'll have to go or we'll be late!


Cuir car dhìot, Fhionnlaigh!
Move it, Finlay!

Dè tha a' tachairt?
What's happening?

Thugainn, a Mhàiri! Togamaid oirnn!
Come on, Màiri. Let's go!

Och mo cheann! 'S e oidhche mhòr a bha sin a–raoir.
Oh my head! That was a big night last night.

Haoidh, stad thusa!!
Hey, wait a minute!

Tha sinn a’ falbh dhan stèisean! Cuir car dhìot, Iain!
We're going to the station! Move it, John!

Fuirich mionaid. Tha mo cheann fhathast na bhrochan.
Wait a minute. My head's still mince [lit. still porridge].

Leisgeadairean uile! Cia mheud diofar dhòigh a dh'fheumas mi seo a ràdh? Feumaidh sinn falbh sa bhad no caillidh sinn an trèana agus caillidh sinn am plèana, agus caillidh sinn ar làithean–saora.
What a bunch of lazybones! How many different ways must I say this? We'll have to leave at once, or we'll miss the train, and we'll miss the plane, and we'll miss our holiday!

Och, rach a Hiort!
Oh get lost [lit. get to St. Kilda]!

Thalla dhachaigh! Agus thoir do chasan leat!
Go away home! And get lost!

Ach 's e an dachaigh agamsa a tha seo!
But it's my house!

Och, duilich, Anna. Cha robh sinn ach ri fealla–dhà.
Oh, sorry, Anna. We were only joking.

Bha fhios againn gur e do cho–là–breith a bh' ann! Tha sinn deiseil airson falbh—seall!
We knew it was your birthday! We're ready to go—look!