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Na rudan as fheàrr leinn dèanamh air làithean–saora

Our favourite things to do on holiday

Here we are going to talk about our favourite things to do on holiday and places where we might go.

Nam b’ urrainn dhut a dhol a dh’àite sam bith air an t–saoghal, càit an rachadh tu?

If you could go to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Nam b’ urrainn dhomh a dhol a dh’àite sam bith, rachainn a Thibeat.

If I could go anywhere, I’d go to Tibet.

An rachadh? Dè dhèanadh tu an sin? An tadhaileadh tu air làraichean eachdraidheil?

Would you (go)? What would you do there? Would you visit historic sites?

Thadhaileadh. Thadhailinn air na làraichean eachdraidheil air fad!

I would (visit). I’d visit all the historic sites!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there? Here are some hints to get you thinking.

An rachadh tu a–mach air curach?

Would you go out on a kayak?

An tadhaileadh tu air làraichean eachdraidheil?

Would you visit historic sites?

An cuireadh tu eòlas air cultar an àite?

Would you find out about the place’s culture?

Am feuchadh tu biadh eadar–dhealaichte?

Would you try different food?

Am faiceadh tu ealain ann an gailearaidhean?

Would you see art in galleries?

An gabhadh tu a’ ghrian air an tràigh?

Would you sunbathe on the beach?

An seòladh tu air feadh an t–saoghail?

Would you sail around the world?

An ionnsaicheadh tu cànan na dùthcha?

Would you learn the country’s language?