Move it!
Cuir car dhìot!
Below you can see some other useful (but not always polite) expressions. We can use the expressions with the verbs cuir , thoir , gabh , dèan , rach in the different tenses.
Cuir car dhìot!
Move it!/Get a move on!/Roll over!
Thoir do chasan leat!
Run away!/Get lost!
Gabh an t–sitig ort!
Get lost!
Gabh Glaschu ort
Get to Glasgow
Gabh an tràigh ort.
Go to the beach.
Togamaid oirnn!
Let's go!
Dèan air a' bhaile!
Make for the town!
Dèan às!
Make off!
Rach a Hiort!
Get lost! [lit. go to St Kilda]
Theirig dhachaigh!
Go home!
We use the words thalla (go away), siuthad (on you go), trobhad (come here) and thugainn (come along) to give someone an order. These words don't have tràthan eile (other tenses).
Mach à seo!
Get out (of here)!
Thalla dhachaigh!
Go home!
On you go!
Come here!/Come along!
Come along!/Let's go!
Thug mi mo chasan leam nuair a chunnaic mi sin!
I made off when I saw that!
Ghabh mi sgrìob a dh'Uibhist as t–samhradh an–uiridh.
I took a jaunt/trip to Uist in the summer last year.
Thug mi Glaschu orm air an deireadh–sheachdain, bha Trail West a' cluiche.
I got to Glasgow at the weekend, Trail West were playing.
Rinn mi air an taigh–sheinnse cho luath 's a bha mi deiseil leis an obair.
I made for the pub as soon as I was finished with work.
Some of us will be familiar with the expression mach à seo from the television programme of the same name on BBC ALBA . You can look at a clip from the programme on YouTube.