Bilingual transcription: Travel
Bilingual transcription: Siubhal
MÌCHEAL : Haidh a Phàdraig, càit a bheil dùil riut fhèin ’s ris a’ bhogsa-chiùil?
Hi Padraig, where are you and your box going?
PÀDRAIG : Feasgar math a Mhìcheil. Tha mi dìreach a’ feitheamh ri mo charaid Catrìona. Tha sinn a’ dol a chluicheport no dhà aig pàrtaidh co-là-breith.
Hi Micheal. I’m just taking a breather and waiting for my friend Catriona. We’re going to play a tune or two at a birthday party
MÌCHEAL : An còrdadh e riut do bheò-shlaint’ a dhèanamh à ceòl nuair a bhios an cùrsa agad deiseil? Tha fèill mhòr air ceòl traidiseanta na h-Alba air feadh an t-saoghail.
Would you like to earn your living from music when you’ve completed your course? There’s a lot of demand for traditional Scottish music nowadays, in this country and all over the world.
PÀDRAIG : Chòrdadh e rium fìor mhath a bhith a’ siubhal an t-saoghail–mi fhìn ’s am bogsa –agus a bhith a’ faighinn mo phàigheadh air a shon. Ach an-dràsta bidh mi gu math toilichte mo chasan a thoirt leam a-mach às a’ bhaile-mhòr agus faighinn dhachaigh airson greiseag.
I’d love to travel the world –myself and the box –and be paid for it. That would be fantastic. But just now, I’d just be happy to get out of the city and get home for a while
MÌCHEAL : Chan eil na saor-làithean fad air falbh.
It’s not long until the holidays
PÀDRAIG : A bheil thu fhèin a’ dol air saor-làithean a dh’aithghearr?
Are you going on holiday any time soon?
MÌCHEAL : Chan eil an-dràsta. Tha mi a’ sàbhaladh airson cuairt a Chanada. Tha mi airson a dhol a-null a chèilidh air mo theaghlach. Tha greis bhon a bha mi thall. Càit an rachadh tu fhèin nam biodh an cothrom agad –a bharrachd air an Eilean Sgitheanach?
Not just now. I’m saving for a trip to Canada. I want to go over and see my family. There’s a while since I’ve been over. Where would you go if you had the opportunity – other than the Isle of Skye?
PÀDRAIG : O, rachainn a Chanada ann an làrach nam bonn!
I’d go to Canada at the drop of a hat.
MÌCHEAL : Cò dheigheadh còmhla riut?
Who would travel with you?
PÀDRAIG : Dheighinn ann còmhla rim’ athair agus mo mhàthair. Tha càirdean aig an dithis aca anns an dùthaich. Chòrdadh e riutha a dhol a-null.
I’d go with my father and mother. My father and mother both have relatives in the country. They’d love to go over.
MÌCHEAL : An robh do chàirdean a-rìamh a-bhos an seo?
Have your relatives ever been over here?
PÀDRAIG : Thàinig iad a-nall a seoo chionn iomadh bliadhna. Bha m’ athair thall an sin aon turas ach cha robh mo mhàthair thall a-riamh agus tha fios a’m gun còrdadh e rithe gu mòr a dhol a-null.
They came over here many years ago. My father was over there one time but my mother’s never been over and I know she’d love to go over.
MÌCHEAL : Dè mu dheidhinn Ceap Breatainn? Chòrdadh an ceòl an sin riut?
What about Cape Breton? You’d like the music there.
PÀDRAIG : Gu dearbha rachainn gu Ceap Breatainn. Rachainn dha na h-àiteachan sin às aonais mo theaghlaich ach cuide ri mo charaidean ciùil.
I’d definitely go to Cape Breton. I’d go to these places without my familyand with my music friends.
MÌCHEAL : Nam faighinn fhìn an cothrom agus nam biodh airgead gu leòr agam, rachainn air Route 66 anns Na Stàitean.
If I got the opportunity and if I had enough money, I’d travel Route 66 in the States.
PÀDRAIG : Bhiodh sin aonranach agus fada. Cò shiùbhladh còmhla riut?
That would be lonely and long. Who would travel with you?
MÌCHEAL : Shiùbhlainn ann le mo dheagh charaid à Halafacs. Bha sinn san oilthigh còmhla. Bhithinn-sa airson siubhal air turas mar seo às aonais mo phàrantan agus às aonais mo pheathar cuideachd! Bhiodh cothrom air barrachd spòrs!
I’d travel with my good friend from Halifax. We were in university together. I’d like to take a trip like this without my parents and my sister. There would be more opportunity for fun!
PÀDRAIG : Cò aige tha fios nach fhaigh sibh an cothrom?
Who knows, you might get the opportunity.
MÌCHEAL : ’S fheàrr dhòmhsa togail orm. Tha mi an dòchas gun tèid gu math leibh.
I’d better make tracks. I hope you get on well
PÀDRAIG : Och thèid ach taing co-dhiù.
Och we will but thanks anyway.