Travel - Dèanta!

Siubhal - Dèanta!

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

Sàr obair! Excellent work! You should now be confident in the following:
  • a' bruidhinn mu na planaichean siubhail as fheàrr leam | talking about my ideal travel plans
  • ag ràdh càite an tèid mi agus carson | saying where I would go and why
  • ag ràdh mar a bhithinn a' siubhal agus dè a dhèanainn nuair a bhithinn ann | saying how I would travel and what I would do when there
  • a' cleachdadh co–ghnìomhairean àite airson bruidhinn mu shiubhal | using adverbs of place to talk about travel
  • ag ràdh cò leis a bhithinn a' siubhal | saying who I would travel with
  • ag ràdh cò nach bithinn a' siubhal às aonais | saying who I wouldn't travel without