We saw an tràth cumhach (the conditional tense) with gnìomhairean riaghailteach (regular verbs) in B1 Cuspair 5. In this tense, the verb lenites where possible and the ending adds –adh or –eadh at the end. If the verb starts with fuaimreag (a vowel), or f + fuaimreag, we have to place dh’ at the front:
tog → thogadh
imrich → dh’imricheadh
ceannaich → cheannaicheadh
fuirich → dh’fhuiricheadh
Sometimes the verb changes a little, a’ teannachadh (contracting) in the middle. We saw that bruidhinn does this in the future tense: bruidhnidh instead of bruidhinnidh.
The verb siubhail changes a little, as you can see in the table.
An siùbhladh?
Would travel?
Nach siùbhladh?
Wouldn’t travel?
Would travel
Cha shiùbhladh
Wouldn’t travel
I would travel
We would travel
If you were travelling all over the world, who would travel with you? What if you were travelling leat fhèin (with yourself) or (on your own).
leam fhèin
alone [lit. with myself]
nam aonar
alone [lit. in my one]
But we have to use another roimhear fillte (compound preposition) to say ‘without me, you, him, her, us, you [plural], them’.