If we want to go abroad these days, there’s a good chance that we’ll leave from an airport on a plane. Let’s look at some of the vocabulary that will be useful at the airport.
port–adhair (m)
cead–siubhail (m)
itealan (m)
cairt–bhòrdachaidh (f)
boarding card
plèana (m)
ceann–uidhe (m)
màileid (f)
togalach–uidhe (m)
terminal building
geata (m)
tèarainteachd (f)
bòrdachadh (f)
raon–laighe (m)
runway, landing field
We’ll need a verb or two as well. There isn’t really a specific Gaelic word for ‘take off’, and you’ll hear a different word or two for ‘land’.
a’ falbh (v)
leaving, taking off
a’ landadh (v)
a’ laighe (v)
lying, landing
ag itealaich (v)
Landaidh sinn an ceann uair a thìde is gheibh sinn tagsaidh aig an togalach–uidhe.
We’ll land in an hour and we will get a taxi at the terminal building.
Dh’itealaich an t–itealan os ar cionn, bha e gu math ìosal.
The (aero)plane flew over our heads/above us, it was very low.
Falbhaidh an t–itealan an ceann leth–uair a thìde, a bheil cairt–bhòrdachaidh agad?
The (aero)plane will leave/take off in half an hour, do you have a boarding card?
Bidh an t–itealan beag a Bharraigh a’ laighe air an tràigh an àite raon–laighe ceart!
The small plane to Barra lands on the beach instead of a usual/proper runway.
What are the things you like and don’t like when you are at the airport?
Am bi a’ mhàileid agad an–còmhnaidh ro throm?
Is your case always too heavy?
Am bi thu a’ cuimhneachadh do chairt–bhòrdachaidh a chlò–bhualadh ron àm, no am bi i agad air a’ fòn–làimhe?
Will you remember to print your boarding card before the time/beforehand, or will you have it on your phone?
A bheil am biadh anns an togalach–uidhe a’ còrdadh riut?
Do you like the food in the terminal building?
A bheil e ro chosgail?
Is it too dear/expensive?
A bheil taighean–beaga is sèithrichean gu leòr anns an togalach–uidhe?
Are there enough toilets and chairs in the terminal building?