

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Cò shiubhladh còmhla riut? (Who'd travel with you?) Let's look at some of them again in context.

Shiùbhlainn leatsa
I would travel with you
Ach cò shiùbhladh còmhla riut?
But who would travel with you?
Ach cha rachainn ann às d' aonais!
But I wouldn't go without you!
'S dòcha gum bi agad ri falbh às m' aonais.
Perhaps you'll have to travel without me
Shiùbhlainn lem bhràthair—
I'd travel with my brother—
… no lem phiuthar ma dh'fhaodte.
… or with my sister perhaps.
Shiùbhlainn lem theaghlach …
I would travel with my family …
… a dh'àite sam bith, uair sam bith.
… (to) anywhere, anytime.
leat fhèin
on your own
nad aonar
on your own
nam aonar
on my own
Bha sinn a' dol a dh'Èirinn
We were going to go to Ireland
air feadh Alba
all over Scotland
a Chanada
to Canada
a Iapan
to Japan
Dh’fhuiricheadh an dithis againn a–bhos an seo
We would/could both stay here
An togadh tu fhèin ort nad aonar …
Would you take off on your own …
… a' falbh air itealan a–null gu taobh eile an t–saoghail?
… going off on a plane over to the other side of the world?
Thogainn orm leam fhèin
I would take off by myself
Nach eil na trioblaidean aig na puirt–adhair …
Don't the problems at (the) airports …
… le tèarainteachd, ceadan–siubhail, bòrdachadh is a leithid …
… with security, passports, boarding and the like that …
… gad chur dheth na làithean seo?
… put you off these days?
Chan eil an sin ach ròlaistean!
That's just nonsense/exaggeration!
Nam biodh mo roghainn agam …
If I had my own choice …
… bu toigh leam falbh le Tom Cruise.
… I would like to travel with Tom Cruise.
Chumadh esan ceart mi
He'd keep me right
Chuireadh esan ceart …
He would fix/put right …
Taobh a–staigh no taobh a–muigh an itealain
Inside or outside of the plane

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.