Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Bu toigh leam an saoghal gu lèir fhaicinn

Take two: I would like to see the whole world

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Nam b’ urrainn dhut a dhol a dh’àite sam bith, càit an rachadh tu agus carson? If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?
Abair smuain! Nam biodh pailteas ùine is airgid agam, bu toigh leam an saoghal gu lèir fhaicinn. What a thought! If I had plenty of time and money, I would like to see the entire world.
Dh’fheumadh pailteas dhiubh sin a bhith agad! Ach an rachadh tu a dh’àite, a bhaile no a dhùthaich sònraichte? You’d have to have plenty of that! But would you go to a particular place, town or country?
Nam b’ urrainn dhomh a dhol a Chanada, rachainn a Cheap Bhreatainn agus an dèidh sin, dhèanainn air stùcan nan Rockies cuideachd. If I could go to Canada, I would go to Cape Breton and after that I would head for the peaks of the Rockies.
Agus carson a dheigheadh tu a Cheap Bhreatainn is na Rockies? And why would you go to Cape Breton and the Rockies?
Bu toigh leam Gàidhlig na Dùthcha Ùire a chluinntinn agus bòidhchead nam beann sin fhaicinn. I would like to hear the Gaelic of the New Country and see the beauty of those mountains.
Sin aon de na mòr–thìrean. Càit eile am bu toigh leat a dhol? That’s one of the continents. Where else would you like to go?
Bha mi riamh measail air an Eadailt agus Eadailtis. Rachainn dhan Choileasam san Ròimh. Abair gleadhraich a bhiodh ann sna seann làithean! I was always fond of Italy and Italian. I would go to the Colosseum in Rome. What a sound that must have made back in the day.
Deagh bheachd. Càit eile an rachadh tu? Good idea. Where else would you go?
Dh’fheumainn a dhol a dh’Astràilia cuideachd. Ach dè mu do dheidhinn–sa? Nam b’ urrainn dhutsa a dhol a dh’àite sam bith, càit an rachadh tusa agus carson? I would have to go to Australia as well. But what about you? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
‘S e sgeul eile a tha sin! That’s another story!