

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about A–null 's a–nall (Back and forth). Let's look at some of them again in context.

A–null is a–nall air aiseagan is bàtaichean
Back and forth on ferries and boats
A–bhos an seo—san Òban
Over here [on this side]—in Oban
… a' falbh a–null a Mhuile airson splaoid.
… going over to Mull for a jaunt.
Càit an deach sibh thall an sin?
Where did you go over there?
Chaidh sinn sìos dhan Ros Mhuileach …
We went down to the Ross of Mull …
Bha againn ri aiseag fhaighinn a–null thairis.
We had to get a ferry across to there.
Cha do thog iad drochaid tarsainn …
They haven't built a bridge across ...
… eadar Muile is Eilean Ì fhathast
… between Mull and Iona yet
… cho fad 's is aithne dhomh
… as far as I know
Bha sinn shìos an sin fad na maidne
We were down there all morning
Abaid Eilean Ì
Iona Abbey
An dèidh dhuinn tilleadh a–nall a Mhuile à Eilean Ì
After we returned across to Mull from Iona
Thog sinn oirnn suas an rathad gu Aiseag Ulbha.
We set off up the road to Ulva Ferry.
An deach sibh a dh'eilean Ulbha …?
Did you go to the Isle of Ulva?
Cha deach.
Didn't go.
Cha robh sinn shuas an sin aig Aiseag Ulbha airson deich mionaidean …
We were only up there at Ulva Ferry for ten minutes …
… gus an do leum sinn air bòrd a’ bhàta bhig
… before we jumped on board the little boat
… a bha a' falbh a–null gu Eilean Stafa.
… which was going over to the Isle of Staffa.
Bha sinn shìos aig beul na h–uamha an sin
We were down at the mouth of the cave there
Ghabh sinn cuirm–chnuic shuas gu h–àrd
We had our picnic up high
… air mullach a' chnuic an sin
… on the top of the hill there
… a bhith air ais a–bhos an seo
… to be back over here
San dachaigh agam fhèin
In my own home
Fad an latha
All day
An latha fada
The long day

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.