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A–null 's a–nall
Deiseil? | Ready?
By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:
- Co–ghnìomhairean àite | Adverbs of place
You will also learn about:
- gnìomhairean neo–riaghailteach: an tràth caithte/teachdail/cumhach | irregular verbs: past/future/conditional tense
- co–ghnìomhairean àite: A–NULL, A–NALL, A–BHOS, THALL | adverbs of place: A–NULL, A–NALL, A–BHOS, THALL
- CHUN + an tuiseal ginideach | CHUN + the genitive (possessive) case
Am fear a cheanglas 's e a shiùbhlas.
He that ties best travels best. [He that fastens his knapsack or bundle most carefully will go with least interruption—as in life!]