Hobbies - complete

Cur-seachadan - dèanta

Hobbies - complete

Cur-seachadan - dèanta

Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!

  • Obair mhòr! Math dha-rìribh!You should now be confident in the following: I can talk about free time and what to do.
  • I can arrange to meet others.
  • I can plan where to go and what to do.
  • I can ask people what they do in their free time.
  • I can give my opinion about what happened or will happen using verbs.
  • I can ask other people's opinion about what happened or will happen using verbs. Check out the programme Cur-seachadan on the BBC iPlayer or download the BBC Sounds podcast Cur-seachadan to learn on the go.