Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Bha mi anmoch a-raoir

I was late last night

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can save for later.

Ò tha mi sgìth! Bha mi anmoch a-raoir mar a tha fhios agad. Oh, I’m tired! I was late last night, as you know.
Bha is mise! So was I!
Agus bha mi nam dhùisg gu math tràth sa mhadainn an-diugh. Ciamar a tha thu fhèin? And I was awake very early this morning. How are you yourself?
Bha mise anmoch a-raoir cuideachd mar a thuirt mi. Bha mi anns an taigh-sheinnse. Bha na caraidean agam ann roimhe agus bha mi nam ruith gus am faighinn ann. I was late last night as well, as I said. I was in the pub. My friends were there earlier and I ran to get there.
Seadh. Uh-huh.
Bha tòrr fealla-dhà againn, ach bha an taigh-seinnse cho trang. Bha am fuaim cho àrd! We had lots of fun, but the pub was so busy. The noise was so loud!
Cuiridh mi geall. I’ll bet.
Agus bha mi nam sheasamh aig a’ bhàr fad na h-oidhche agus a h-uile duine eile nan suidhe. And I was standing at the bar all night, and everyone else (was) sitting.
Obh, obh! Oh dear!
Cha robh sèithrichean gu leòr ann! Agus an uair sin, nuair a ràinig mi dhachaigh, bha mi nam laighe airson ùine mus do chaidil mi. There weren’t enough chairs. And then, when I got (reached) home, I was lying for ages before I got (to) sleep.
Uill, thig a-steach don t-seòmar-shuidhe, agus bidh sinn nar sìneadh anns na sèithrichean mhòra cofhurtail seo, nar tost, agus gabhaidh sinn norrag bheag. Well, come in to the sitting room, and we’ll stretch ourselves out in these big comfy chairs, in silence/quiet, and we’ll have a wee nap!
Deagh bheachd! Good idea!