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Cò bhios a' cluich?

Who will be playing?

Am bi thu a’ dol don chèilidh an- ath-oidhch’, Fhionnlaigh? Will you be going to the ceilidh tomorrow night, Finlay?
Bidh. Cò bhios a’ cluich? A bheil fhios agad? I will (be). Who’ll be playing? Do you know?
An còmhlan aig Iseabail … Iseabail Pheutan, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. Isabel’s band … Isabel Beaton, I think.
An e sin an tè a bhios a’ cluich na trombaid? Trombaid jazz? Is that the one who plays the trumpet? Jazz trumpet?
‘S e. ’S e pìobaire a th’ innte, ach bidh i a’ cluich a’ phiàna, a’ bhogsa-chiùil agus bidh i a’ cluich a’ ghiotàir, uaireannan. Yes, she is. She’s a piper, but she plays the piano, the accordion and she also plays the guitar sometimes.
Tha mi eòlach air a bràthair! Bidh esan a’ seinn na pìoba ach bidh e cuideachd a’ cluich na clàrsaich agus na fìdhle – ceòl jazz – tha mi a’ smaoineachadh. I know her brother. He plays the bagpipe(s) but he also plays the harp and the fiddle – jazz music – I think.
Abair teaghlach tàlantach. What a talented family.
Uill, bidh an teaghlach againne a’ coinneachadh a h-uile Disathairne agus bidh sinn a’ cluich, agus saoilidh mi gu bheil sinn a’ cheart cho tàlantach. Well, our family meets every Saturday and we play, and I think we’re just as talented.
Ò, dè bhios sibh a’ cluich? Am feadan? An fhìdeag? Oh, what do you play? The chanter? The whistle?
Cha bhi sinn a’ cluich ceòl ach spòrs! Bidh sinn a’ cluich iomain! Tha sgioba air leth againn. Agus abair tàlant! We don’t play music but sport. We play shinty. We have an exceptional team. And what talent!