Feuch e: What would you want from this job?
Feuch e: Dè bhiodh tu ag iarraidh às an obair seo?
Your turn now. Answer the questions any way you like. There is no wrong answer here!

Nise, Anna, dè bhiodh tu ag iarraidh às an obair seo?
Now, Anna, what would you want from this job?

Tha mi ag iarraidh a bhith a' brosnachadh chultar na Gàidhlig san fharsaingeachd. Tha mi airson a bhith a' leasachadh thachartasan Gàidhlig anns a' bhaile mhòr le bhith a' coinneachadh ri agus a' toirt misneachd do dhaoine ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. I want to foster Gaelic culture in general. I want to develop Gaelic events in the city by meeting people and giving encouragement to people in the world of Gaelic.
Chan eil mi buileach cinnteach. Cha do smaoinich mi cus mu dheidhinn mus tàinig mi a–steach. I'm not too sure. I didn't think too much about that before I came in.
Tha mi ag iarraidh tuarastal math, tòrr làithean–saora agus mòran riarachadh–obrach! I want a good salary, plenty of holidays and a lot of job satisfaction.