
Topic Introduction
Obair, gnìomhachas is gnothachas
Work, industry and business
Section 1
Cainnt na h-obrach
Work jargon
Section 2
Iarrtasan is agallamhan
Applications and interviews
Section 3
Planaichean is amasan
Plans and objectives
Section 4
Os cionn ghnothaichean
In charge of things
Section 5
Gnothachas - Dèanta!
Business - Dèanta!
Section 6
Topic 7 (B1) Business Gnothachas
Fàilte air ais!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Gnothachas (Business).
You’ll learn how to:
In this topic, you'll learn how to:- talk about your work, industry, and business | a' bruidhinn air an obair, an gnìomhachas is an gnothachas agad
- use your Gaelic to talk about common workplace situations | a' cleachdadh do chuid Ghàidhlig airson bruidhinn mu shuidheachaidhean cumanta san àite–obrach
- talk about looking for work and writing a CV | a' bruidhinn air sireadh obair is sgrìobhadh cunntas–beatha
- ask and answer interview questions | a' faighneachd agus a' freagairt cheistean agallaimh
- talk about your plans and ambitions for your career | a' bruidhinn air na planaichean is miannan agad airson do dhreuchd
- say what you would do to achieve your aims | ag ràdh dè dhèanadh tu gus na h–amasan agad a thoirt gu buil
You’ll also learn about:
You'll also learn:- compound preposition and possessive: AIR A SON | roimhear fillte agus sealbhach: AIR A SON
- passive with RI | Fulangach le RI
- Bilingual transcription: Àite-obrach
- Bilingual transcription: Gnothachas
- Bilingual transcription: Nam bithinn...
- Bilingual transcription: Gnothachas