
Topic 11 (A2) Conaltradh Communications

Fàilte air ais!

In A1 Cuspair 11, we looked at latha gu latha (day-to-day), and in this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about beatha làitheil (daily life).

You’ll learn how to:

  • A' bruidhinn air conaltradh | Talking about communication
  • A' toirt taing do dhaoine | Giving thanks to people
  • A' cleachdadh  naisgearan eisimeileach (mus, gus, mura) agus dàimheach (ged a, mar a, ma, etc) | Using conjunctions, dependent (mus) and relative (ged a, mar a, etc)
  • A' cleachdadh chleasan cainnte | Using figures of speech
  • A' bruidhinn air rudan a rinn daoine no a thachair | Talking about things people did or what happened

You’ll also learn about: