Complete for 2 points

Cha rachainn ann às d' aonais!

I wouldn't go without you!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Shiùbhlainn leatsa uair sam bith a dh’àite sam bith, ach cò shiùbhladh còmhla riut mur a biodh e comasach dhomh làithean–saora fhaighinn bho m’ obair? I would travel with you anytime anywhere, but who would travel with you if it weren’t possible for me to get holidays from work?
Ach cha rachainn ann às d’ aonais! But I wouldn’t go without you!
‘S dòcha gum bi agad ri falbh às m’ aonais. Tha an obair agam uabhasach fhèin trang an–dràsta. A bheil duine sam bith eile ann? You may have to go without me. My work is very busy just now. Is there anyone else?
Shiùbhlainn lem bhràthair—no lem phiuthar ma dh’fhaodte. Shiùbhlainn lem theaghlach a dh’àite sam bith, uair sam bith. I’d travel with my brother—or with my sister perhaps. I would travel with my family anywhere, anytime.
Agus dè mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ siubhal leat fhèin—nad aonar? And what about travelling on your own—alone?
Nam aonar? Fuirich mionaid, bha sinn a’ dol a dh’Èirinn , air feadh Alba, a Chanada agus a Iapan agus a–nis …! On my own? Wait a minute, we were going to go to Ireland, all over Scotland, to Canada, and to Japan and now …!
Cha robh mi ach a’ faighneachd na ceist! Dh’fhuiricheadh an dithis againn a–bhos an seo, ma thogras tu. I was only asking the question! We could both stay over here, if you like.
An togadh tu fhèin ort nad aonar, a’ falbh air itealan a–null gu taobh eile an t–saoghail? Would you take off on your own, going off on a plane over to the other side of the world?
Thogadh, thogainn orm leam fhèin gun dragh sam bith. I would, I would take off by myself no bother/without any bother.
Nach eil na trioblaidean aig na puirt–adhair le tèarainteachd, ceadan–siubhail, bòrdachadh is a leithid gad chur dheth na làithean seo? Don’t the problems at airports with security, passports, boarding and the like put you off these days?
Chan eil an sin ach ròlaistean! That’s just nonsense/exaggeration!
Agus cò thigeadh còmhla riut, seach mi fhìn? And who would come with you, but myself?
Nam biodh mo roghainn agam, bu toigh leam falbh le Tom Cruise. Chumadh esan ceart mi agus chuireadh esan ceart rud sam bith nach eil ag obair taobh a–staigh no taobh a–muigh an itealain. If I had my own choice, I would like to travel with Tom Cruise. He’d keep me right and he’d fix/put right anything that’s not working inside or outside of the plane.
Deagh bheachd! Good idea!