It would be good to live in Portree

Bhiodh e math fuireach ann am Port Rìgh

Bhiodh e math + verb 

One thing to remember is that when we use bhiodh e math followed by an action word or verb, we do not use a' or ag in front of the verbal noun (-ing word) … 

Bhiodh e math fuireach ann am Port Rìgh. 
It would be good to live (stay) in Portree 
Cha bhiodh e math ruith an-diugh. Tha e ro fhliuch. 
It wouldn't be good to run today. It's too wet. 

But dol (going) usually takes a + lenition, as does tighinn (coming) in some dialects: 

Bhiodh e math dol | a dhol a Dhùn Èideann a-màireach. 
It would be good to go to Edinburgh tomorrow. 
Bhiodh e math tighinn | a thighinn a chèilidh oirbh! 
It would good to come and visit you.