
Topic 6 (A2) Planaichean Plans

Sin thu fhèin! 

In Cuspair 6, we looked at tìde (time), and in this topic we will build vocabulary and extend our knowledge so that we can speak more about An t-Àm Agad Fhèin (your own time). 

You’ll learn how to:

  • A' dèanamh phlanaichean leis a' mhodh chumhach | Making plans with the conditional tense
  • A' cur cheistean le gnìomhairean, am mìrean dàimheach agus am mìrean eisimeileach | Asking questions with verbs, the relative particle and dependent particle
  • A' faighneachd mu na rinn daoine eile | Asking what other people did
  • A' moladh na bhiodh math | Recommending what would be good

You’ll also learn about: