The family - complete
An teaghlach - Dèanta!
You should now be confident about:
- A’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an teaghlaich | Talking about the family
You should also be confident about:
• Am buadhair seilbheach: mo, do, a, a, ar, ur, an/am | The possessive adjective: mo, do, a, a, ar, ur, an/am
• Briathrachas teaghlaich: seanair/seanmhair/uncail/antaidh/leas-athair/ogha | Family vocabulary: seanair/seanmhair/uncail/antaidh/leasathair/ogha
You have learnt to talk about the members of your family! Why not take this mini-test to see how well you're doing?
Why not move on to talk about theages of family members ?