Daoine & Dàimhean
People & Relationships

People & Relationships
Daoine & Dàimhean
Topic Introduction
Fios mun teaghlach
Information about the family
Section 1
Aoisean bhuill an teaghlaich
Ages of family members
Section 2
Far a bheil an teaghlach a' fuireach
Where the family live
Section 3
Cruinneachadh an teaghlaich
The family gathering
Section 4
Daoine agus Dàimhean - Dèanta!
People & relationships - complete
Section 5
Topic 4 (A2) Daoine & Dàimhean People & Relationships
Sin thu fhèin! In A1 Cuspair 4, we looked at teaghlaichean (families), and in this topic we will build vocabulary and extend our knowledge so that we can speak more about different relationships between and among people.
You’ll learn how to:
- A’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn an teaghlaich | Talking about the family
- A’ faighneachd dè an aois a tha daoine | Asking what age people are
- A’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn far a bheil an teaghlach a’ fuireach | talking about where family live
You’ll also learn about:
- Àireamhan pearsanta le ainmearan | Personal numerals with nouns
- Am buadhair seilbheach | the possessive adjective: mo, do, a, a, ar, ur, an/am
- A’ cleachdadh ainmearan gnìomhaireach le seilbheirean roimhearach – gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h-, gar/gar n-, gur/gur n-, gan/gam | Using verbal nouns with prepositional possessives – gam, gad, ga, ga/ga h-, gar/gar n-, gur/gur n-, gan/gam
- Àireamhan le aois | Numbers with age
- Briathrachas teaghlaich| Family vocabulary
- Bilingual transcription - Aig an taigh: Daoine agus dàimhean
- Bilingual transcription - Air-loidhne: Daoine agus dàimhean