

There were a few words and phrases there which you can use when talking about Cainnt nan naidheachdan (News Speak). Let's look at some of them again in context.

Am faca tu na naidheachdan aig aon uair deug?
Did you see the news at eleven o'clock?
Ach chuala mi na naidheachdan air Radio nan Gàidheal.
But I heard the news on Radio nan Gàidheal.
An ann air an rèidio …?
Is it on the radio …?
'S toil leam an rèidio, telebhisean, craoladh sam bith.
I like the radio, television, any broadcasting.
Gheibh mi na naidheachdan … tro iomadach meadhan.
I get the news … through numerous/many media.
Bidh mi a' tadhal air duilleag nan Naidheachdan 1100 air làrach–lìn a' BhBC.
I visit the Naidheachdan 1100 page on the BBC website.
'S toil leam aithrisean a bhios nas doimhne na geàrr–chunntasan
I like reports which are deeper than summaries
Bidh mi a' leughadh phàipearan–naidheachd ach air an eadar–lìon.
I read newspapers, but on the internet
Tha doimhneachd anns na sgeulachdan anns na pàipearan-naidheachd
There is depth in the stories in the newspapers
Bha fasan ann airson blogaichean naidheachdan
And there was a trend for news blogs
Bithear a' faighinn mòran air na meadhanan sòisealta cuideachd.
Much/Lots can be had on social media as well.
… chan eilear a' cur cus earbsa annta fhathast
… too much trust isn't being put in it/them yet.
Bidh e a rèir cò tha a' postadh no a' tweeteadh!
It depends on who's posting and tweeting!

We'll catch up with some more of these as well as adding some new words and phrases to our vocabulary as we progress through this lesson.