What's ahead for you?

Dè tha romhad?

We saw the preposition ro first in Cuspair 10 , where we used it to say 'before'.

And we learned the prepositional pronouns with ro in Cuspair 23. Do you remember them?

ro + miromham
ro + thuromhad
ro + eroimhe
ro + iroimhpe
ro + sinnromhainn
ro + sibhromhaibh
ro + iadromhpa

We use ro , ron and roimhe to talk about the past, air na thachair roimhe (what happened before), but we can also use ro to say na tha romhainn (what is before us, what is to come).

We can use ro with the verb cuir with another useful meaning: Chuir mi romham (I put before me, I decided).

Carson a chuir thu romhad Gàidhlig ionnsachadh?
Why did you decide to learn Gaelic?
Dè chuir thu romhad nuair a dh'fhàg thu an sgoil?
What did you decide to do when you left school?
Dè chuir thu romhad aig toiseach na bliadhna?
What did you decide to do at the beginning of the year?
Dè tha romhad air an deireadh–sheachdain?
What's ahead of you/What do you intend to do at the weekend?
Dè tha romhad as t–samhradh? Am bi thu a' falbh air làithean–saora?
What's before you/What do you intend to do in the summer? Will you be going on holiday?
Dè tha romhainn a thaobh na Gàidhlig? Am bi sinn fhathast ga bruidhinn an ceann fichead bliadhna?
What's ahead of us regarding Gaelic? Will we still be speaking it in twenty years?