The Impact of the Two World Wars
Buaidh an Dà Chogaidh Mhòir
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Bha buaidh mhòr aig an Dà Chogadh Mhòr: A' Chiad Chogadh agus An Dàrna Cogadh, air an t–saoghal gu lèir, ach bha buaidh eagalach aca air muinntir nan Eilean agus air a' Ghàidhlig.
Ron Chiad Chogadh bha Gàidhlig aig cha mhòr gach neach anns na h–Eileanan, cha robh mòran ann a bhruidhneadh Beurla idir.
Tro na cogaidhean ge–tà, thàinig tòrr shaighdearan is eile a–steach dha na h–Eileanan.
Air sgàth 's gun do bhàsaich an uimhir de dh'fhireannaich òga às na h–Eileanan anns na cogaidhean, dh'fheumadh boireannaich daoine bho thaobh a–muigh nan Eilean a phòsadh, gu tric daoine gun Ghàidhlig.
'S e coimhearsnachd dà–chànanach a bh' anns na h–Eileanan às dèidh nan cogaidhean.
Here is the translation!
The two World Wars: The First World War and the Second World War, had a huge impact on the whole world, but they had a dreadful impact on the people of the Islands and on Gaelic.
Before the First World War, almost everyone in the Islands had Gaelic, there weren't many who spoke English at all.
Through the wars, though, many soldiers and others came into the Islands.
Because so many young men from the Islands had died in the wars, the women married men who came from outwith the Islands, often people without Gaelic.
The Islands were a bilingual community after the wars.