The Loss of the Iolaire

Call na h–Iolaire

A bharrachd air an sgrios agus a' chall a thachair ri linn nan cogaidhean, bha mòr–thubaist uabhasach eile a thug buaidh air coimhearsnachdan nan Eilean, b' e sin Call na h–Iolaire :

'Aig 1.55m air a' chiad latha den Fhaoilleach 1919, bhuail HMY Iolaire ann an sgeirean ris an canar Biastan Thuilm 's i a' tighinn faisg air caladh Steòrnabhaigh.

'Bha 280 maraiche air bòrd 's iad a' tilleadh a Leòdhas agus dha na Hearadh an dèidh a' Chogaidh Mhòir.

'Chaill 201 am beatha san tubaist, 's iad cho faisg air a' phort 's gun robh na solais rim faicinn.'

Here is the translation.

In addition to the devastation and loss that happened because of the wars, there was another disaster which affected Island communities, and that was Call na h–Iolaire , (The Loss of the Iolaire):

'At 1.55am on the first of January 1919, HMY Iolaire foundered on the skerries called The Beasts of Holm, as  she/it came close to Stornoway harbour.

'There were 280 sailors on board returning to Lewis and Harris after the Great War.

'In the disaster 201 lost their lives, when/although they were so close to port that the lights were visible.'

Stòrlann has a website on which there is a great deal of information about Call na h–Iolaire .