Complete for 2 points

Dè an obair a bh’ aige?

What was his job?

Listen to the recording again and answer these questions.

Dè an t–ainm a chanadh daoine ann an Slèite ri Dòmhnall Eairdsidh Dòmhnallach?

What name did people in Sleat give Donald Archie MacDonald?

Dè an obair a bh’ aig athair Eairdsidh?

What was Archie’s father’s job?

Agus dè an obair a bh’ aig a bhràthair, Ailean?

And what was his brother Alan’s job?

Agus seo dhut na freagairtean!

And here are the answers!

Dè an t–ainm a chanadh daoine ann an Slèite ri Dòmhnall Eairdsidh Dòmhnallach?

Eairdsidh, agus buinidh e do theaghlach air a bheil ‘na maoir’.

Archie, and he belongs to a family (nick)named ‘na maoir’ the factors/officers.

Dè an obair a bh’ aig athair Eairdsidh?

Bha e na shaor agus na chroitear.

He was a joiner (carpenter) and a crofter.

Agus dè an obair a bh’ aig a bhràthair, Ailean?

Bha esan na shaor cuideachd.

He was also a joiner (carpenter).

Listen to the recording again and check the transcript at the same time.

Write any words that are new to you in your notebook or notes file. 📚


An deach thu a–riamh gu na Geamannan Oilimpigeach?

Have you ever been to the Olympic Games?

An deach thu a–riamh gu Geamannan a’ Cho–fhlaitheis?

Have you ever been to the Commonwealth Games?

Nuair a bhios na Geamannan air an telebhisean, am bi thu a’ coimhead air spòrs sam bith?

When the Games are on TV, do you watch any sport?

Dè an fharpais as fheàrr leat?

What is your favourite competition?

An do rinn thu fhèin spòrs sam bith aig ìre àrd?

Have you played any sports at a high level?

No a bheil thu eòlach air duine sam bith a rinn spòrs aig ìre àrd?

Or do you know anyone who has played sports at a high level?

Am bi thu a’ dèanamh rud sam bith gus do bhodhaig a chumail fallain?

Do you do anything to keep your body healthy?

