

Listen to a short clip from this recording 01:49–04:56 .

There is a transcription available on the same page.

Remember: it doesn't matter if you don't understand the whole piece! Tha thu a' dèanamh fìor mhath—you're doing really well!

📕 And if you don't understand any words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair. 📕

In this recording, Professor Norman MacDonald is talking to Coinneach MacÌomhair (Kenneth MacIver) about a man who won the bronze medal for wrestling at the 1924 Olympic Games.

In this part of the recording, Norman tells us who Donald Archie MacDonald of Sleat was and he talks about the story of his life.

bonn umha
bronze medal
maor, na maoir
factor, the factors (also bailiffs, officers, constables)
mar bu dual
as people would expect to happen