
Topic Introduction
Co–fharpaisean spòrs
Sporting competitions
Section 1
Briathrachas na bodhaige
Body language
Section 2
Na tha math dhut
What's good for you
Section 3
Spòrs dreuchdail is neo–dhreuchdail
Professional and amateur sport
Section 4
Eacarsaich - Dèanta!
Exercise - Dèanta!
Section 5
Topic 8 (B2) Exercise Eacarsaich
Sin thu fhèin!
Tha sinn cho toilichte gu bheil thu air tilleadh airson tuilleadh Gàidhlig ionnsachadh le SpeakGaelic.
In this topic we will learn some new words and expressions so that we can speak more about Eacarsaich (Exercise).
You’ll learn how to:
- a' bruidhinn air eacarsaich agus fallaineachd | talking about exercise and fitness
- ag ràdh dè tha math is nach eil math do dhaoine | saying what is good and what is not good for people
You’ll also learn about:
- iomlaid le gnìomhairean fillte mòdach | inversion with compound modal verbs
- àireamh/meud | number/size/quantity
- abairtean le 'S ANN | phrases with 'S ANN: mar as … ’s ann as …
- buadhairean le IS agus BU | adjectives with IS and BU
- MU – Cuiridh mi mo chòta umam | MU – Cuiridh mi mo chòta umam
- Bilingual transcription: Camanachd
- Bilingual transcription: Criomag dualchainnt
- Bilingual transcription: 'S fheudar