Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Nach cuala tu mu na Geamannan Oilimpigeach?

Take two: Haven't you heard of the Olympic Games?

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Tha dòrlach math de cho–fharpaisean spòrs ri fhaicinn air an telebhisean. Dè a’ cho–fharpais as fheàrr leatsa, Iain? There are quite a few sports competitions on television. What is your favourite competition, John?
Uill, mar a tha fhios agad, ‘s toil leam camanachd is ball–coise. Tha meall math dhiubh ri fhaicinn air an telebhisean a–nis. Well, as you know, I like shinty and football. A good number of them can be seen on television now.
Agus chì thu na lìgean ball–coise, rugbaidh is geamannan eadar–nàiseanta gach bliadhna. And you see the football leagues, rugby and international games every year.
Nì cuairt dheireannach Cupa na Camanachd san t–Sultain a h–uile bliadhna an gnothach dhomhsa! Chan eil càil nas fheàrr na sin! The Camanachd Cup final in September every year does the trick for me! There’s nothing better than that!
Chan eil dad nas fheàrr na sin, a bheil? Chunnaic mise na Geamaichean Eileanach an t–seachdain-s’ a chaidh. Abair toradh dha na Hearadh! There’s nothing better than that, is there? I saw the Island Games last week. What a result for Harris!
Tha fhios gu bheil iomadach co–fharpais ann ach ‘s e sin a’ cho–fharpais as fheàrr leamsa! I know there are several competitions but that is my favourite competition!
Nach cuala tu mu na Geamannan Oilimpigeach? Haven’t you heard of the Olympic Games?
Chuala! Cò nach cuala? Ach cha tèid na geamannan sin a chumail ach gach ceithir bliadhna. I have (heard)! Who hasn’t? But these games are only held every four years.
Saoilidh mise gu bheil na Geamannan Oilimpigeach air an cumail gach dàrna bliadhna! I think the Olympic Games are held every other year!
Ciamar a tha sin? How is that?
Tha dà bhliadhna eadar Geamannan an t–Samhraidh agus Geamannan a’ Gheamhraidh! Chan ann mu dheidhinn lùth–chleasachd a–mhàin a tha na geamannan sin! There are two years between the Summer Games and the Winter Games! These games aren’t just about athletics!
Agus tha grunn cho–fharpaisean spòrs a thèid a chumail gach ceithir bliadhna, leithid Cupa na Cruinne ann am ball–coise agus Geamannan a’ Cho-fhlaitheis. And there are a good number of sporting competitions that take place every four years, such as the World Cup in football and the Commonwealth Games.
Dad ort! Chuala mise nach eil mòran cinnt ann mu Gheamannan a’ Cho-fhlaitheis na làithean seo leis nach eil càil a dh’fhios aca càit am bi iad gan cumail a–rithist, no cuin! Hang on! I heard there is not much certainty about the Commonwealth Games these days because they have no idea where they will be held again, or when!