Climate consequences
Toraidhean na h-aimsire
We learnt the compound preposition ri taobh (beside, by the side of) in A2 Cuspair 5. Here we're going to learn some more compound prepositions: an dèidh/às dèidh (after) and mu choinneamh (opposite, facing).
Am faca tu an t–eun mòr brèagha sin ri taobh na h–aibhne? Saoilidh mi gur e iolair a bh' innte.
Did you see the big beautiful bird beside the river? I think it was an eagle.
Chunnaic sinn tòrr plastaig air an tràigh às dèidh na stoirme.
We saw lots of plastic on the beach after the storm.
Chan fhaca. Obh obh, bha iolair mhòr eireachdail mu choinneamh an taighe is chan fhaca mi i!
I didn't. Oh dear, there was a big, beautiful eagle opposite the house and I didn't see it!
As we saw in A2, we need to put a noun which follows a compound preposition into the genitive case.
Bha càr mu choinneamh an taighe fad an latha.
There was a car opposite the house all day.
Am bi thu a' faicinn plastaig no sgudal anns an àrainneachd ri taobh an taighe agad?
Do you see plastic or rubbish in the environment beside your house?
Bha na rathaidean dùinte às dèidh na tuile.
The roads were closed after the flood.
Roimhearan Fillte
To use a compound preposition with a pronoun we need to use a form which combines it with the possessive adjective: rim (ri mo) thaobh (beside me, by my side), rid (ri do) thaobh (beside you, by your side).
ri taobh + mi | rim thaobh | às dèidh + mi | às mo dhèidh | mu choinneamh + mi | mum choinneamh |
ri taobh + thu | rid thaobh | às dèidh + thu | às do dhèidh | mu choinneamh + thu | mud choinneamh |
ri taobh + e | ri thaobh | às dèidh + e | às a dhèidh | mu choinneamh + e | mu choinneamh |
ri taobh + i | ri taobh | às dèidh + i | às a dèidh | mu choinneamh + i | mu coinneamh |
ri taobh + sinn | ri ar taobh | às dèidh + sinn | às ar dèidh | mu choinneamh + sinn | mar coinneamh |
ri taobh + sibh | ri ur taobh | às dèidh + sibh | às ur dèidh | mu choinneamh + sibh | mur coinneamh |
ri taobh + iad | rin taobh | às dèidh + iad | às an dèidh | mu choinneamh + iad | mun coinneamh |